Aparna Anil

Optimising recruitment needs through AI based interventions

Aparna Anil


Mr. S Guruprasad



In today's changing employment landscape, recruiters grapple with the rapid transition towards remote and flexible work structures. This shift necessitates fresh, innovative strategies to effectively evaluate and attract candidates adept for new working environments. Eightfold.AI's initiative is dedicated to enhancing Talent Acquisition, concentrating on improving the recruiter’s journey. Facing the issues of delayed feedback and communication gaps, talent teams encounter increased complexities and cognitive burden in connecting with potential candidates. This administrative load limits their ability to attract elite talent and contribute meaningfully to organizational strategic objectives.

The endeavour at Eightfold.AI was centered on enhancing the Talent Acquisition product, with a keen focus on elevating the recruiter's experience. The problem statement was clear and pressing: talent acquisition teams grappled with the hurdles of delayed feedback loops and communication gaps. These obstacles amplified their cognitive load, complicating their ability to effectively connect with potential candidates. This administrative weight stifled their capacity to draw in top-tier talent and play a significant role in organizational strategic planning.

To tackle the ongoing challenges in talent acquisition, a "workflow automation" feature was designed for Eightfold.AI's Talent Acquisition platform. The solution was designed to streamline and reduce the time recruiters spend on repetitive tasks, allowing a greater focus on strategic and significant roles. The automation of these routine tasks guarantees consistent accuracy, removing the potential for human error and ensuring a more efficient and seamless recruitment process. Furthermore, this enhancement indirectly helps improve the candidate experience by providing HR professionals with more time, ensuring the establishment of stronger relationships and a more positive, engaging experience throughout the hiring journey. In essence, the workflow automation feature stands as a solution, allowing recruiters to focus their expertise on more strategic, meaningful work, enhancing the overall recruitment process and contributing to organisational success.


Aparna Anil
Aparna Anil
Aparna Anil
Aparna Anil