Nimisha Subhash Parab

Designing Value in Startup Growth Tool

Nimisha Subhash Parab


Mr. Jitendra Singh Rajput

Sketchnote Technologies Private Limited


The project's overarching goal was to bridge the divide between the Sketchnote product and its prospective users by addressing and reducing the existing gap. This involved a multifaceted approach:

Gap Identification: The project commenced by identifying the disconnect between the Sketchnote product and its potential user base. This initial phase aimed to pinpoint the areas where the product was falling short of meeting users' needs and expectations.

Problem Area Reassessment: A critical component of the project involved a comprehensive reassessment of predefined problem areas. By revisiting these issues, the project sought to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges early-stage entrepreneurs face in their quest for effective workflow and task management solutions.

Pain Point Analysis: In order to create a more user-centric product, the project delved into the genuine pain points experienced by early-stage entrepreneurs. This phase involved extensive research and data collection to uncover the specific pain points and needs of this target audience.

Core Value Alignment: The project's central objective was to align the Sketchnote product's core value proposition with the essential needs and pain points of its prospective users. By identifying how the product could directly address these core requirements, the project aimed to enhance its relevance and utility for its intended audience.

In summary, this project was a comprehensive endeavor to bridge the gap between the Sketchnote product and its potential user base by thoroughly assessing and addressing predefined problems, understanding the genuine pain points of early-stage entrepreneurs, and ensuring that the product's core value proposition effectively catered to their essential needs and challenges.


Nimisha Subhash Parab
Nimisha Subhash Parab
Nimisha Subhash Parab
Nimisha Subhash Parab