Anuraag S Vasisht

Greaves Re-Play

Anuraag S Vasisht


Mr. Vipul Vinzuda

Greaves Electric Mobility Pvt. Ltd.


Since the early 2010s we have been transitioning from the age of information to the age of imagination where societal growth is driven by creativity and human imagination. The digital revolution has fundamentally transformed all aspects of our lives boosting productivity and economic output. In this age of imagination, the world as we know it will be hyperconnected. The gen alpha in 2030 will place more value on personalization and will live an asset-free lifestyle. By 2030, autonomous vehicles will be the norm and become the primary mode of transport for most people. With the onset of autonomous vehicles, the need to drive is eliminated allowing the passengers to engage in whatever activity they want to while travelling. One such activity that can be looked at is gaming. The gaming market has been growing steadily and has recently exploded thanks to the availability of cheap data. This project explores the broad idea of vehicles in the future acting as moving living spaces instead of just a mode of transportation. Greaves Re-Play is an autonomous mobility service that offers a personalized gaming experience while travelling and provides a unique gaming experience by incorporating phygital technologies. Greaves Re-Play provides a vision for the Greaves brand for a “mobility as a service vehicle” in an electric and autonomous future. The highest level of personalization that one can provide while gaming is to let the passengers play whatever they want in the vehicle. To achieve this high degree of personalization and customization, Re-Play offers flexible interior layouts and interaction technologies that are adaptable to the user’s needs. Re-Play also showcases the application of Greaves’ current design language on a four-wheeled autonomous vehicle for 2030.


Anuraag S Vasisht
Anuraag S Vasisht
Anuraag S Vasisht
Anuraag S Vasisht