Gottupulla Krishna Teja Bharadwaj

Trinity - Design and Development of a FPS Action Platformer

Gottupulla Krishna Teja Bharadwaj


Dr Bibhudutta Baral

Self Sponsored


Trinity is a Space, Time, and Matter-themed First Person Action Platformer emphasizing Traversal and Spell combos.
The project gives an overview of the Design Decisions taken to achieve Fast-Paced, Skill-based, Combo-Driven experiences.

The Choice and Order of the Spells are decided based on the Target audience to enable Clarity, learnability, and Experimentation. Teaching Spells, Combos, and Game Interaction through Levels by Repetition and Variation is another key focus of this project.

Finally, this project also showcases the various Development solutions to achieve a Playable game on the Unreal Engine 5.


Gottupulla Krishna Teja Bharadwaj
Gottupulla Krishna Teja Bharadwaj
Gottupulla Krishna Teja Bharadwaj
Gottupulla Krishna Teja Bharadwaj