Ashis Ray

Chakaa Aakhi - Interactions between the Divine and Human

Ashis Ray


Mr. Amarnath Praful

Self Sponsored


This project offers a captivating visual exploration of the cultural heritage and religious traditions of Puri, focusing on the grand festival of Ratha Jatra. Through long-term documentation and research, the project captures the essence of Puri's vibrant cultural fabric, focusing on the interplay of art, spirituality, and community engagement. The photographs talk about the intricacies of Ratha Jatra, showcasing the magnificently crafted Rathas, the devotion of the participants, and the vibrant street scenes that come alive during the festival. The project also highlights the diverse artisans, devotees, and community members who contribute to the creation and celebration of Ratha Jatra and how their identities are with respect to the event. Drawing upon methodologies from photography, and cultural studies the project provides a deeper understanding of the significance of Ratha Jatra within the context of Puri's cultural landscape. It explores the spatial and temporal dimensions of the festival, mapping the topological connections between cultural practices, social networks, and the physical environment. Through exhibitions, presentations, and educational resources, the project invites viewers to immerse themselves in the captivating world of Ratha Jatra, celebrating the rich cultural heritage of Puri and inspiring dialogue about the importance of cultural preservation and community engagement through the medium of Photography. Overall, this project offers a visual narrative that captures the essence of Puri's cultural tapestry, highlighting the significance of Ratha Jatra as a vibrant celebration of art, spirituality, and community. It serves as a testament to the enduring traditions, rich heritage, and collective spirit that make Puri a captivating subject for exploration and appreciation.


Ashis Ray
Ashis Ray
Ashis Ray
Ashis Ray